FSE Listings why use Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings to go public with FSE Listings
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Sunday, June 26, 2011 @ 02:06 PM
posted by admin

Reinventing the Wheel: Why FSE Listings Inc’s Go Public Process is the Best Way to List on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

FSE Listings Go Public Process for Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings

Prelisting Stage

  • Consultation with company listings specialist to prepare the documentation for listing and qualify your firm
  • Lay-out the timeframe for listing, structure, share issuances, and financing requirements to build the optimum structure
  • Convert current business plans and executive summaries into a Frankfurt Short Form IM or Expose as required for listing
  • Discuss capital invested and raised to date, valuation, structure, and shareholder related goals
  • Discuss the goal posts for listing, capital raising, and deliverables as a firm and business
  • Incorporation of the UK Company
  • Subscription Agreements for raising funds
  • Set-up of Escrow Account to raise funds
  • Complete the financials, Director Certifications, Auditor Letter, and required supporting documents. (A Registered UK Auditor will be utilized who is registered with the FSA, Plus Markets, and AIM to verify the ˆ500,000)
  • Structure the firm with the end goal, and ensure the capital equity is sufficient to meet the financing goals, market value, and shareholder/principal expectations
  • Company Incorporation, Set-up of Structure
  • ISIN
  • Consider pre-listing financing commitments in place for sales documents and commitments to raise funds
  • Transfer Agent
  • Install the Corporate Funding Software for tracking the funding process and integrating online and offline roadshows (Ensuring your firm has a sustainable knowledge base for raising capital) 

Listing Stage                                   

  • File the issuer data form with all of the supporting documents created in phase 1
  • 5-10 day period waiting for approval
  • Ensure CREST registry completed and or electronic trading readily available by the registrar
  • Build the registry for the transfer agent to insert into their records
  • Issue initial shares to be deposited into market ready accounts
  • Share Certificates issued and delivered to those not with market ready accounts (with restrictions were required). All certificates can also be sent to the company for delivery.
  • Manage the process for successful listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and timely engagement and execution of all key pieces to list within the 2-5 week timeframe

Listed Stage

  • Roadshow within Frankfurt and Switzerland or other markets depending on relevance of listing
  • Execute Public Relations on web portals over 6 month commitment
  • Execute Special Stock Option Financing
  • Execute Equity Lines of Credit
  • Deposit of shares and capital with Market Maker for ongoing trading commitments and requirements to stay quoted
  • Ongoing web presence and reputation management (FSE Listings Inc owns its own network of portals that focus on financial markets with over 500,000 unique viewers per month which equate to several million hits. The network consists of over 400 website covering every major stock market in the world.)
  • IR Campaign Launched and continued over a 3-6 month period (up to 12 months)
  • Second Round Roadshows and Financing with market volume as a factor
  • Institutional Funding due to assets, capital on-hand, and liquid share capital
  • Financing of your firms goals and meeting the milestones
  • Incubate divisions of the firm by raising capital, and starting the cycle over or selling the successful business or shares of the business as an exit strategy

The Benefits are clear:

  • raise money
  • gain exposure
  • get international attention versus just the retail interest of your local market
  • increase the value of your assets and business which were otherwise illiquid
  • build a structure of which you can grow, use shares to acquire assets, and build a successful enterprise

The Process of Success by FSE Listings Inc:

  1. Listing your company only costs 60,000 euro to a maximum of 120,000 euro including IR campaigns for 1 year (not three months)
  2. You own 100% of the company when you list yourself
  3. If you can’t afford 60,000 euro, you should not be considering going public as you will not be able to afford staying public. Why build a company for everyone else to profit from, holding you hostage because you simply couldn’t afford 60k euro. The long term it will cost you time, money, reputation, and your company.

If you can raise your own capital of 60,000 euro to go public, you get the funds from the money raising on the stock market, you keep control of your business, you can get more money per share value because you will have a stable market!

You don’t know how to best raise money for your firm?

FSE Listings Inc has one of the best systems for training companies how to raise the initial start-up capital for their firm. As professionals in the field for over 30 years, we can build your structure, documents, and make pre-public financing commitments that do not ask for a % of your firm, but simply use common business sense for businesses looking for venture capital.

FSE Listings Inc is run by Robert Russell and Mark Bragg. FSE Listings Inc is the only firm that lists companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that has a reputation for its honesty in dealings, disclosing the positives and negatives of any one deal, and finding the best financing options for your firm.

Contact FSE Listings at info@fselistings.com or call +442032867779 to have us best advise you on listing your firm and going public.

If you want to list your firm, please include:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Amount of Capital invested to date
  • Amount of Capital required
  • Reasons for wanting to list
  • Description of Business
  • Website if available

If you have been considering other listing firms, financing options, and directions for your firm but are simply researching the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings, please contact us so we can give you our knowledge and opinion. The best way to move forward is to build a roadmap with our team and decide the best options before your firm jumps into a relationship with a clever group versus an honest-intelligent listing team. FSE Listings Inc is the Leader for FSE Listings, listing more firms per month than any other listing firm.

YOU ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME, ABILITY, MONEY, and MOST IMPORTANT REPUTATION to invest in your life and for your business, be smart and contact info@fselistings.com, so we can make the best out of the assets and time you have!

FSE Listings

Thursday, June 16, 2011 @ 03:06 AM
posted by admin

It is true, FSEListings.com’s stock exchange listings consortium has also listed over 30 firms on the TSX within our consortium, including building CPCs, selling CPCs, building TSX companies, selling TSX companies. We have also been involved with 100s of listings, such as building OTCBB companies, selling OTCBB companies, ASX, AIM, PLUS, CNSX and Frankfurt. Our consortium developed firms and or worked with firms that have literally listed over 2000 companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. We are leaders in this field, and the most experienced professionals.

According to available information from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange its volume ranking is actually higher than that quoted by the World Stock Exchange reports, and with the new trading rules within Frankfurt as of May 23, we expect the exchanges volume to increase if not double if companies meet this requirement. As the premier group for listings globally (we run otclistings.com, stockexchangelistings.com, etc, for all the exchanges globally) FSE Listings Inc and our consortium have found the Frankfurt Listings to be more cost effective than any Canadian listings or US listings.

In addition, regardless of the other exchanges benefits of transparency for investors, the cost to new companies generally drives the businesses into shell status or depletes funds that could be used to develop the business effectively hindering investors placements to begin with… if I was an investor I would like to see funds going towards running the business not just keeping it public. The TSX, ASX, AIM, and OTCBB/NASDAQ being all over $100k per annum to maintain, even three times that when considering the legal, auditting, commitees that must be maintained and filing.

The TSX often is hindered by the requirement of broker warrants with financing options, and most of the listings are limited to initial support of listing and then the companies are on their own. Sometimes dual listing onto other exchanges helps the Canadian liquidity, but for the most part, a very small portion of their companies trade. (A few larger traders make up the majority of the TSX trading volume, a large iliquid market). The OTCBB also suffers the terminal disease of no trading or promotion which is regulated and for the most part a sure way to tarnish your business. Europe’s open regulations in terms of promotions, use of media, and disclosure requirements actually allow companies to get more positive exposure without the concern of negative outcomes. In addition, your stock price is not beaten down by warrants, brokers, and short selling aside from your market makers 2,000 shares on the bid and ask, the market is a natural market. Much healthier for public image. As you get into the higher boards, TSX not TSX.V or NASDAQ, not OTCBB, you do get a lot more natural markets. However it is costly to get there. The reality is you are right, there are other options to IPOs, such as mergers, acquisitions, and sale of assets, but IPOs and listings are not just exit strategies. We co-ordinate at least 10 mergers per annum for exit strategies, we are actually working on a few right now in the IT sector and power plant sector. Private firms that simply didn’t want to go through the process of listing, but essentially that’s an exit strategy. I however disagree with the notion going public is for only an exit strategy… that’s misinformed. Its to enable liquidity of the shares, it can be used as an exit, IPOs and the book making part of it could exit some founder shares and finance the firm, but the reality is its to:

  • raise money
  • gain exposure
  • get international attention versus just the retail interest of your local market
  • increase the value of your assets and business which were otherwise illiquid
  • build a structure of which you can grow, use shares to acquire assets, and build a successful enterprise

Although it is an exit for some, there are many more benefits to going public. If you are a smaller enterprise with big hopes of growing, being financed, and someday allowing shareholders to exit, the fastest way is on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange bar none with FSE Listings Inc. No one can contest that. We list about 5-6 companies a month, 9-10 companies right now, but it varies. Trully if you want to list firms, merger with firms, build a public company to acquire assets and or other companies, increase the value of your firm, and have an exit… then a listing is probably the best option.

Although we have seen in the IT sector a lot of acquisitions as of late, most of it is purchase of websites and traffic, and building up large traffic bases in a specific market. That can be done, but organically, there may be 10 such opportunities you want to buy and getting public money would be the fastest. Thats just a simple roll-up example that a public company would be vital for.

Please contact us, we are probably one of the most effective firms for answering these questions and the most experience in general on all exchanges in the World. Sometimes the most effective way is to stay private and raise the capital. We can coach you through this process to with the end goal being a public offering or listing as discussed. You can start as low as 15k euro, which gives all the tools to raise capital and build your business.

The easiest way to get started is to contact us with your questions at info@fselistings.com

FSE Listings

Saturday, June 4, 2011 @ 08:06 PM
posted by admin

Bridge Capital Programs for Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Positives and Negatives

There are several supposed bridge capital financing options that have been developed for Frankfurt Listings, many of which Companies need to beware of before making any decision to go with one company over another.

Firstly, merger law for vending a company into an existing shell company is relatively straight forward. The merger law however doesn’t help if you overlook the following, bridge capital and going public professionals within the field do not tell the underlying costs of bridge capital to get a shell company:

  • The shell company they pass on to you requires due diligence based on potential debts and liabilities they may have (indemnification is not enough)
  • The debt left on the company is generally much higher than the regular fee of listing
  • The size of your company that is kept by the bridge capital group is often 5-10% of your company, we will outline how this can destroy your firm
  • In addition to shell company bridge capital programs, there are listings from scratch bridge capital programs, that look like this:
  • They claim to pay all the expenses of going public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
  • They claim to run a 3 month promotional campaign
  • They take 5-10% of your company depending on how hard you negotiate

From a laymen’s eyes, this looks like a pretty good deal for listing a company. However, here is the flaws in these programs

  1. New companies start of relatively illiquid, even 50,000 shares of a company could cause a drop in stock price
  2. Where there is a 3 month campaign for IR, the bridge financer can dump their stock (even if they say they will not) using your companies good name, causing in essence a pump and dump using your firms name. (Possibly ruining your reputation.) They will always sell first, convincing you they are entitled because they listed your firm. They will never see the same value as you do in the percentage of your company that they hold.
  3. They never relinquish full control, often these Bridge Capital companies or fse listings firms that are unethical will have clauses, debts, caveats, and defaults that hold the company and management hostage (often until they have blown-out their shares.)

The best way to go public professionally is to pay for  a listing directly, not using go public people who use merger law and market forces to hold hostage your company.

  1. Listing your company only costs 60,000 euro to a maximum of 120,000 euro including IR campaigns for 1 year (not three months)
  2. You own 100% of the company when you list yourself
  3. If you can’t afford 60,000 euro, you should not be considering going public as you will not be able to afford staying public. Why build a company for everyone else to profit from, holding you hostage because you simply couldn’t afford 60k euro. The long term it will cost you time, money, reputation, and your company.

If you can raise your own capital of 60,000 euro to go public, you get the funds from the money raising on the stock market, you keep control of your business, you can get more money per share value because you will have a stable market!

You don’t know how to best raise money for your firm?

FSE Listings Inc has one of the best systems for training companies how to raise the initial start-up capital for their firm. As professionals in the field for over 30 years, we can build your structure, documents, and make pre-public financing commitments that do not ask for a % of your firm, but simply use common business sense for businesses looking for venture capital.

FSE Listings Inc is run by Robert Russell, Ryan Gibson, and Mark Bragg. FSE Listings Inc is the only firm that lists companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that has a reputation for its honesty in dealings, disclosing the positives and negatives of any one deal, and finding the best financing options for your firm.

Contact FSE Listings at info@fselistings.com or call +442032867779 to have us best advise you on listing your firm and going public.

If you want to list your firm, please include:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Amount of Capital invested to date
  • Amount of Capital required
  • Reasons for wanting to list
  • Description of Business
  • Website if available

If you have been considering other listing firms, financing options, and directions for your firm but are simply researching the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings, please contact us so we can give you our knowledge and opinion. The best way to move forward is to build a roadmap with our team and decide the best options before your firm jumps into a relationship with a clever group versus an honest-intelligent listing team. FSE Listings Inc is the Leader for FSE Listings, listing more firms per month than any other listing firm.

YOU ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME, ABILITY, MONEY, and MOST IMPORTANT REPUTATION to invest in your life and for your business, be smart and contact info@fselistings.com, so we can make the best out of the assets and time you have!

FSE Listings

Thursday, June 2, 2011 @ 08:06 AM
posted by admin

There are several firms within the market that compete for listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, but there is only one top firm for listing Foreign Listings onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. With an average of 5-10 companies listed per month, the professionals in the market know who to call when they need advice on the Frankfurt listings market, its FSE Listings Inc. (http://www.fselistings.com)

There are many attempts to be Go Public pro-fessionals, FSE listings groups, Express Ipo’s or even Law firms, however, when it comes to the quality and volume of listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange FSE Listings Inc lists companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 3-6 weeks for less upfront than any other firm, and FSE Listings Inc does not ask for a percentage of your firm.

Just in the past 12 months, FSE Listings has completed:

  • Frankfurt Listings from Canada companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from US companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Thailand companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Russia Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Philippines Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from India Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from South Africa Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Africa Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from UK companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Australia Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from New Zealand Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Guatemala Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Central American Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Panama Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from British Virgin Island Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Channel Island Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Ireland Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Italy Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Brazil Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Switzerland Companies (Swiss)
  • Frankfurt Listings from German Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Singapore Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Turkey Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings from Poland Companies
  • Frankfurt Listings on Swedish Companies

Go Public with FSE Listings a Frankfurt Listings leader

In order to prepare for a Free Consultation, please send to info@fselistings.com the following information:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Amount of Capital invested to date
  • Amount of Capital required
  • Reasons for wanting to list
  • Description of Business
  • Website if available
  • New York: +1-914-613-3889
  • UK: +44(0)2081235719
  • Hong Kong: 81753591
  • South Africa: +27110836116
  • www.fselistings.com
  • FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing! www.fselistings.com

    Thursday, June 2, 2011 @ 07:06 AM
    posted by admin

    FSE Listings Inc, the listing company of choice for African Companies

    Within the month of may, FSE Listings Inc has listed once again over 5 companies, with an average of between 5-10 companies per month. In May, the firm listed two African firms with roots in South Africa, making FSE Listings Inc the largest and fastest growing listing firm for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in South Africa and Africa in general.

    African Companies Listed in the month of May by FSE Listings Inc:

    1. African International Energy PLC, Equity, ISIN GB00B5VS7Q20, WKN A1JJT4, 7AE
    2. African Opportunities Invest Capital Ltd. ISIN GB00B3QFW477, WKN A1H69B, 7FA

    African Companies listed or with upgraded listings in May:

    1. African International Energy PLC, Equity, ISIN GB00B5VS7Q20, WKN A1JJT4, 7AE
    2. African Opportunities Invest Capital Ltd. ISIN GB00B3QFW477, WKN A1H69B, 7FA
    3. ADC African Development Corporation GmbH & Co. KGaA, ISIN DE000A1E8NW9, Symbol AZC

    ADC African Development Corporation was listed as an Open Market and transferred to an Entry Standard according to the notes within the documents within the Frankfurt Stock Exchange website. However, in the month of May, the only New Listings have been Frankfurt Listings by the leaders in foreign listings, FSE Listings Inc. (http://www.fselistings.com)

    One of the reasons firms list on the open market first with FSE Listings is to ensure they become a Frankfurt Listed firm and raise capital with their Frankfurt Listing prior to taking on the increased costs of the Entry Standard. The Frankfurt open market only costs 5,000 euro or 50,000 rand per annum to maintain. The open market is the perfect entry point onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As observed, the company can then raise capital and gain exposure, and increase their listing status to an Entry Standard Company within the regulated market once the size of the firm has progressed.

    For South African firm, the initial costs of 600,000 to 800,000 rand for listing the firm on the open market with FSE Listings Inc, they simply need to call +27110836116 for a free consultation on going public. In addition, FSE Listings Inc in partnership with Deutsche Capital Partners A.G. (info@deutschecapitalpartners.com) can offer:

    For more information contact FSE Listings or call +27110836116

    Friday, May 20, 2011 @ 04:05 AM
    posted by admin

    Please review the new Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings packages for people looking to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

    FSE Listings Package

    FSE Listings

    Friday, May 20, 2011 @ 03:05 AM
    posted by admin

    African International Energy PLC, with offices in Johannesburg South Africa, has recently listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. A large number of African companies are recognizing that listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is a faster source to capital, easier to list than local exchanges like the Altx or JSE, and the listings attract foreign capital into the market through the European Holding company.

    FSE Listings Inc is the leading firm for listing African companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. With clients from South Africa, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland, and Mozambique in Southern Africa, and Nigeria, Tanzania, Egypt, Israel, Kenya and Rwanda across the continent.

    The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the 3rd largest exchange in the world, and caters to developing markets such as the BRICS nations. For information on listing contact us today!


    Thursday, May 12, 2011 @ 01:05 PM
    posted by admin

    FSE Listings Inc is proud to announce the extension of its partnership with Deutsche Capital Partners to include financing, carbon credit trading, and equity placements with Energy Companies

    As of May 10th 2011, Deutsche Capital Partners AG and FSE Listings Inc have gone into an exclusive relationship where by FSE Listings will promote the equity placement services and carbon credit registration and trading services through Deutsche Capital Partners.

    The services target the Green Technology and Energy Sector, of which have been extremely successful in financing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Deutsche Börse has the largest share of total capital raised in Alternative Energies at 97.8% capital. The Green sector and indexes present an opportunity for listing companies that cater to the investment criteria and appetite of the third largest market in the World, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

     This has presented an interesting opportunity for firms we work with that are still privately funded, as we are capable of listing the firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange within a 2-6 week period. In essence, this enables the firms to have access to the capital markets, financing, and a public vehicle of which their current shareholder base would have liquidity and an exit strategy. On average, we can commit from $1 million to $50 million in financing, upwards of $500 million if the project has share volume post public listing.

    To discuss listing and or to submit to receive a termsheet, please contact the Green Energy listing specialist Robert at russell@fselistings.com.

    Information that would be helpful for advancing discussions:

    • Company Name
    • Contact Name
    • Contact Number
    • Contact Email
    • Amount of Capital invested to date
    • Amount of Capital required
    • Reasons for wanting to list
    • Description of Business
    • Website if available

    FSE Listings: Making the future Greener, in all sense of the word!

    Saturday, May 7, 2011 @ 11:05 AM
    posted by admin

    “Finance is where one person creates an environment of which an act of faith or trust occurs and causes  actions to be taken”

    The question therefore is how one can create the environment of which an act of faith can happen.

    Here are a few points to consider:

    1. If your Management has a good track record.
    2. If the firms your Management worked with have a history of making contracts and keeping them, making debts and paying them, come with industry respect. (Including your current firm.)
    3. The firm shows that it is well run, well planned out, and has projections and applications of their business model that are respected best practices, proven, and plausible.
    4. The business owners show respect to the prospective financers for their involvement, that they reflect immediately that they will honour a business relationship between each other.
    5. The business owner doesn’t ask for too much in an unreasonable amount of time of knowing each other. Regardless of the opportunity, it is a sign of disrespect in the finance world to ask for a million dollars yesterday.
    6. If you need something done fast, than have your paperwork audited, your financial documents prepared, your contracts and due diligence binders in order, and debts disclosed and clearly outlined with the risk factors. Ask for it quickly without preparation is to ask someone to do your homework, it’s your business, do your homework before you get to class.
    7. Be prepared to afford additional due diligence documents and have a budget aside to do so, building relationships sometimes takes an act of faith into showing you are willing to invest in doing things right.
    8. If an agreement is signed, respect the terms of the agreement. If all forms of finance must go through one source, then all the firms you have spoken to should be made aware, so as not to cross over. Respect, Business Ethics, and Common Sense prevail in the success of a firm!
    9. Show the future exit strategy, such as dividends, asset backed investment, or listing the firm on a stock exchange. Most commonly, FSE Listings Inc helps form this environment of which an act of faith can occur by assisting in forming the business direction and documents, and listing a firm quickly on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. http://www.fselistings.com

    Written by Ryan Gibson, Editor and Business Consultant

    If you have a firm that is interested and qualified to work with FSE Listings Inc, you should contact us today by submitting your company details. Companies who qualify could benefit from utilizing:

    • Listing Services for going public on a stock exchange
    • Bond and Debt financing services
    • Equity Placements
    • Equity Lines of Credit
    • Merger and Acquisitions, not limited to reverse mergers, but actual joint ventures

    Submit the following information:

    Contact FSE Listings at info@fselistings.com or call +442032867779

    If you want to list your firm, please include:

    • Company Name
    • Contact Name
    • Contact Number
    • Contact Email
    • Amount of Capital invested to date
    • Amount of Capital required
    • Reasons for wanting to list
    • Description of Business
    • Website if available
    Thursday, May 5, 2011 @ 11:05 PM
    posted by admin

    Investment: Frankfurt Stock Exchange Investment and FSE Listings

    Frankfurt Stock Exchange companies are often seeking immediate and long-term investment for their FSE Listings. The easiest way to finance firms listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange include:

    –          Having hard assets

    –          Having a high multiple of revenue

    –          Having a story which fits a current trend

    –          Being well established or in an industry which is established

    –          Easy to explain the market size in 3-4 sentences

    –          A good business plan (Possibly a Prospectus or IM)

    How can FSE Listings Inc Help?

    FSE Listings Inc takes firms listed through our proprietary process through a series of activities that achieve financing for the firm which include:

    –          Roadshow – meet several Institutions within Germany and Europe face-to-face

    –          UK Investment and Brokerage firms

    –          Spanish Investment and Brokerage firms

    –          German Investment and Brokerage firms

    –          Swiss Investment and Brokerage firms

    –          Banking contacts for debt, equity, bonds

    –          Equity Line of Credit

    –          Debentures

    –          Venture Capitalist

    With a good public image utilizing investor relations companies in Germany, a strong business plan, executive board, and high potential, you’re firm could be one of the many 1000s of firms who get funding on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange between 1-100 million euro per annum! Contact info@fselistings.com

    Frankfurt Listings

    FSE Listings

    *FSE Listings: Note of warning, we have no affiliation to a group misrepresenting the FSE Listings brand called Julius Csurgo, Global Regency, Merger Law Associates, Frankfurt Listings, and other such names. As far as our research has revealed, they appear to charge more and allegedly are slower than our firm at listing, in addition, we are not even sure they can list firms. Several firms have complained they were listed and didn’t even get to trade or clear properly using listings services and contacted us believing us to be the same firm. We believe that in this matter, one should be careful of all firms who do not have the representative Mark Bragg contact you. Our firm listed several companies in April and expects to do this again in May, with over 100 listed to date as a consortium. We are the leaders, competition is only healthy if they are not misrepresenting a brand, therefore, we bring this to your immediate attention that we have no affiliation to these firms. We are the only FSE Listings Inc, contact Mark Bragg today.