FSE Listings why use Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings to go public with FSE Listings
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Monday, March 26, 2012 @ 05:03 AM
posted by admin

A sophisticated investor can mean many different definitions depending on the Country specified. Truly the best way to answer this question is having them go to the online universal database which registers them in their jurisdiction. These individuals generally have the right net worth, the right experience, and or have registered through the sophisticated investor register.

If you are a company looking to verify your investor base as sophisticated investors or are not sure whether you can offer securities to a base of contacts, you should use a universal sophisticated investor , high net worth, accredited investor, qualified investor, professional investor “qualifying tool” such aswww.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com which is free.


  1. Send your potential investors to this website to get their certificate
  2. Those who qualify and get the certificate, include it in your records and you can send them your promotional materials, subscription agreement, business valuations, and other such offering materials

The register will also work with you directly to make contact, check the regulations of the jurisdiction of your potential investor, and ensure the right document is filled in as a certificate or as part of the “subscription agreement” as a page they will need to agree to.

The Sophisticated Investor Register is unique as it is a free service that works with firms to qualify and register in their Country of Origin or where the offering is made.

This free tool is a form builder which generates a form, a unique ID per subscriber, and a QR ID which logs the necessary information so that you can access in the database the data at a later date.

Start sending your potential investors today towww.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com

WARNING: Those firms that do not qualify their investors as sophisticated who have taken investments as a company for shares or as part of a collective investment scheme of fund without a prospectus filed can face penalties, jail time, and banning from the securities industry. It is not worth your reputation to ignore registering your investors prior to taking their investment. Don’t learn the hard way, contact the register or test the register with a handful of investors to “qualify” how qualified your investor base is today.

Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 04:02 AM
posted by admin

Stock Exchange Listings and How To Raise Capital For Your Firm Through Sophisticated Investors!

More than ever before in the history of financial markets a company requires to have transparency, substance, and liquidity. A proper Go Public strategy or money raising process requires building share value to the investor.

The “real economy” is based on logical revenue producing firms, stable businesses and good investments for the common individual. These firms are attractive for Bond offerings to institutional investors and equity offerings to sophisticated investors.

Most people cannot participate in this real economy as they are not qualified, sophisticated, and accredited investors. A perfect example is IPOs such as Facebook, which is offered to a very high-caliber level of investor and not the general public for the most part until post listing. The highest gains for most investors are in IPOs as statistically proven time and time again.

For businesses a major problem for the companies is they are unable to solicit individuals that are not certified as a class of investor that can be contacted for investment opportunities.

One of the solutions for businesses looking for qualified and sophisticated investors is http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com and http://www.qualifiedinvestorregister.com which actively qualifies over 1,000 investors per week adding them to the largest database of sophisticated investors available.

As a firm, your employees have the capacity to contact interested sophisticated investors who have asked to be contacted. To quantify the importance of a database of this kind, 100-150 sophisticated investors who took part in a listing would equal over 18 million euro in capital raised over 6 months.

In addition, companies that are interested in becoming listed in the UK and taking advantage of the sophisticated investor directive, we can take your firm public on an active UK sophisticated investor stock market as a listed firm and you can utilize an active supply of investors to raise capital. Either through public listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Berlin Stock Exchange, Danish GXG UK markets, or Plus Markets, your firm could raise the capital required and successfully IPO or list.

Contact info@fselistings.com today to inquire how you can take advantage of foreign sophisticated investors for your firm today. Whether you are a Canadian firm, Australian firm, US firm, Spanish Firm, or African firm, going public in Europe is the best opportunity for you to gain investment. You may even already be listed on a Stock Exchange, and could still qualify for our program. Please contact us today to see if we can help you.

In addition to sophisticated and qualified investors, we will endeavor to qualify your firm to create bonds and place these bonds with institutional investors. Contact us today for more information. Info@fselistings.com.


Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 04:02 AM
posted by admin

The capital markets are definitely unforgiving with changing regulations, changing listing requirements, and changing exemptions but the only unchanged consistency over all for small businesses raising money to go public on a stock exchange is getting “sophisticated investors” interested in your firm.

Every jurisdiction may not have exactly the same name or the same criteria, but what is common is that there is an exemption for investors who qualify. These are sophisticated, accredited, qualified, and high net worth investors.

Within the United Kingdom, there is one FSA regulated database called the Qualified Investor Register, which takes the self-certified documentation and stores this information for regulated and unregulated offerings to refer to as a way to “categorize” the type of investor they solicited. However the database itself is not allowed to be used for solicitation.

In all of our research there has actually only been one database privately held that assists Qualified and Sophisticated Investors. The two websites based on the different terms are http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com and http://www.qualifiedinvestorregister.com.

We highly recommend going to one of these websites and seeing if you qualify. A private database for registering your self-certification will allow for in the future firms like Facebook, or LinkedIn, or other major IPOs to have the right and legal ability to contact you.

Most people miss the high profile IPOs because they are not certified and or recognized reasonably as being “sophisticated” even though they do qualify.

I suggest going and seeing if you qualify today at http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com.

Again, the benefit is access to a pretty exclusive club of investor opportunities that only self-certified sophisticated, accredited, and qualified investors can access.

For companies, the sophisticated investor register opens up the opportunity of being able to contact potential investors under a universal exemption. This exemption immediately can add your profile to fund managers, brokers, and IPO experts who make exclusive offerings, but cannot without certification. As part of the service, you receive a QR Code – Identification system, an official certificate to be signed and faxed back into the register, and free filing of your information with local government databases.


Qualify for major IPOS if you are a US, American, Canadian, Australian, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Chinese, Indian, EU, Latin American, Central American or UK Sophisticated Investor you need to certify today! If you are not sure, qualify and we will get the proper documentation for becoming part of the register!

US Accredited and Sophisticated Investors. In the United States Securities Commission (SEC) definitions of an accredited investor the most common classification that people actually are include a natural person with an annual income of over $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 or net worth or joint net worth exceeding $1 million USD excluding the value of primary residence. However, there are definitions for trusts, business directors of the issuer, employee plans, retirement plans, and trusts that also make up this definition. (http://www.sec.gov/answers/accred.htm)

We do encourage small business owners, trusts with assets over $5 million, banks, insurance companies, business development companies and small business investment companies to register as well. The point of registering is to keep record of your ability to participate in offerings you would and could qualify for. This is an invaluable free service by http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com.

Canadian Sophisticated – Accredited Investors. As a Canadian, the terms are pretty general across Canada for Accredited Canadian Investors. In Ontario Canada, this exemption extends to $1 million in financial assets or net worth of $5 million. One of the particular point is of course persons the OSC recognizes as an accredited investor, which again brings us back to certifications inside of a database that has collected your data as a third party to verify and file with local authorities if required or part of a subscription or offering. (http://www.osc.gov.on.ca/en/21943.htm) Most of the Canadian Accredited Investor jurisdictions are similar to that of Ontario with a few small differences in definitions of assets. See if you are qualified as a Canadian Investor.

As a registered accredited, sophisticated, and high net worth investor, you can generally invest as much as you want to as long as you the primary and principal investor are certified.

Australian Sophisticated, Professional Investor. Within the Australia Sophisticated Investor registration process, the caveats are a little stronger with a requirement of an auditor to give proof of net worth of $2.5 million or two consecutive years of $250,000 per annum. Otherwise, it is defined by the investments size of over $500,000. The most common exemption is generally the professional investor in Australia, of which again there is not a reliable database accept for through www.qualifiedinvestorregister.com. Australian Investors should register themselves, companies, and or status to see if they can take part in international IPOs through this exemption.

Hong Kong Sophisticated Professional Investor. Within the Hong Kong sophisticated professional investor definitions, a high net-worth individual has one of the following, a portfolio of not less than HK$ 8millon, corporations or partnerships or trustee companies with portfolios of that size or total assets of HK$40 million, or corporations that solely act as investment holding companies, and owned by a sophisticated professional investor. As a Hong Kong professional I suggest seeing if you qualify today for the Sophisticated Investor Register. (http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com)

UK Sophisticated Investor – Qualified Investor – High Net Worth Investor. As a UK Sophisticated, High Net Worth, Qualified Investor,within the UK definitions of a sophisticated investor, the register is extremely important, especially for Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes where by the company can’t both market and sell to a sophisticated investor that they the fund certified. Having the persons go to a third party first for certification, such as the http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com allows for the promoters of a UCIS to send their investors to register first through the “third party” and return with the certification to invest within the collective investment scheme. Therefore all firms working with UCIS projects should send their investors to the register to ensure they don’t fall foul of Artcile 23 PCIS Order. It is the responsibility of the provider and distributor to send them to this third party register to return to the investment scheme and make a placement.

UK Investors who wish to take advantage of major foreign and local IPOs should consider certifying through a register so that they fully comprehend the risks and benefits. A sophisticated and qualified investor must update their certificate on a 12 month cycle. The Sophisticated Investor Register reminds and keeps informed the register members to ensure this information is kept up to date by the member and they re-certify annually.

The “high net worth” and “sophisticated investor used to be made by a third party and it became apparent that the exemptions were being rarely used due to their being a lack of a registry and cost of the process. This undermined the investors from having the opportunity to take part in IPOs and investments and effected the intention which was to raise funds through private equity from business angels for IPOs and small business. In the UK, a high net worth individual must certify the annual income must is in access of 100,000 GBP, net assets in excess of 250,000 GBP excluding primary residence, insurance, and pension policies. As a sophisticated investor, the potential investor has to certify if they are a member of a network or syndicate of business angels for the last 6 months, has made more than one investment in an unlisted company in the previous two years, has worked in the previous two years in a professional capacity in the private equity sectors or in the provision of finance for small or medium sized companies, or has been in the previous two years a director of a company with an annual turnover of at least 1 million GBP.

The easiest process of understanding your position is to register today at http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com.


Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 04:02 AM
posted by admin

As a licensed broker dealer our partner has the team and ability to file prospectus document for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and submit the documents to the FSA.

A European Prospectus from the UK, Denmark, or Germany often will be enough to sufficiently cover a companies needs.

As a new directive of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market, a prospectus document is required with the ability of taking your firm up to the Entry Standard market by September 30th 2012.

If you are planning to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, you need to begin building your prospectus immediately!

In addition, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has introduced trading requirements with the recent implementation of the Xetra II requirements for trading volume and market maker requirements. Building a market for the companies listed is becoming a requirement of listing. Companies that list without a prospectus are limited by their abilities to market their company based on BAFIN regulations, which limit the use of the company symbol and various other stipulations for firms who do not have a prospectus filed.

However, with the prospectus filed, there is more flexibility when co-ordinating publicity and investor relations. More and more companies are being driven towards a prospectus to mobilize their overall market making activity, not limited to press releases, publications, roadshows to retail investment markets, and incoming requests. It is only a matter of time, maybe even September, before companies will have to take two key aspects into consideration or become delisted:

  1. A prospectus so that the firm can actively market their share symbol and company to the general public without contravening securities laws in Germany and or Europe in general
  2. Maintaining an active market to enable market makers to maintain their role of actively buying and selling shares within the market, which is not possible in an illiquid market

One naturally pertains to the other, as the prospectus enables the flexibility to make a market, without the ability to attract a retail market the market makers eventually can not support the bid and ask from the sale of existing shareholders and the market could, can, and will being to move towards a lower illiquid position.

The reality is that a company can list before having a prospectus on the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, however, it is advisable to begin developing the prospectus as soon as possible to ensure shareholders and the public have the disclosures necessary to invest in the firm and to be able to stay listed after September 30th 2012. For a price quote and proposal to develop a prospectus, contact info@fselistings.com.


Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 04:02 AM
posted by admin

BSE Listings (Berlin Stock Exchange Listings) joins FSE Listings and IFXBG as one of the larger European Stock Market Listings Consortiums
For Immediate Release
February 9th 2012

BSE Listings (http://www.bselistings.com) though IFXBG (http://www.ifxbg.com) provides specialist financial services which are delivered by distinct business units, each with their areas of expertise in order to supply a complete Investment Bank experience in Europe. IFXBG has an FSA registration with a European Passport in the United Kingdom, that authorizes IFXBG activities within the European Union and authorization by the CSSF, Luxembourg to operate as a securitization and structured finance company.

BSE Listings Services: Berlin Stock Exchange Listings performs all of the necessary tasks to ensure your firm is listed on a stock exchange. The listing can be combined with several of the other financial services offered by IFXBG.

Bond Financing: The securitization business unit of IFXBG works with the listing unit to create a securitized bond with an investment grade rating, such as AA rating. The financing of newly listed firms is limited to 5 million euro per public company. Customized bond and finance is available in access upon qualifying and funding the process of building the Bond. The Bond is then offered through the IFXBG Broker Dealer business unit for financing the company.

Equity Placement and Bridge Financing: The IFXBG Broker Dealer business unit has the capacity to design and execute offerings of equity in client companies, provide and solicit for bridge financing and debt financing where applicable, and make private placements on behalf of clients. In addition to the sale of the AA rated bonds, the Broker can perform a book building exercise for the company to raise private equity or post listing services. In general, these offerings are in combination with the compliance department and management unit who would design offering documents, prospectus documents, and reporting.

Mergers and Acquisitions: The senior management team of BSE Listings and IFXBG through their vast network of professional services and clients may be engaged to seek acquisitions and or potential merger candidates. As a full service investment bank, IFXBG can supply the necessary financing to buy-out potential candidates that have been vetted through the qualification process designed. The mergers and acquisition unit combines the valuations department for qualifying mergers and their overall benefit and value, the securitization and bond unit to finance the acquisitions, and the management unit to ensure the integrity of the transaction for both firms and shareholders. Mergers and acquisitions is truly the pinnacle of the service offerings combining all of the talents of our firm to ensure our clients can purchase revenue producing opportunities, expanding their business exponentially both vertically and horizontally.

Asset Management: BSE Listings and IFXBG alternative asset management business unit offers a broad range of products. This business unit is comprised of our marketable securities and alternative investments to our retail and institutional client base, with a focus on providing professional investments to professionals in the global markets. This includes managing client company shareholder services and accounts, notices, and trading. Our Asset Management investment professionals focused on global markets, leverage the experience and creativity of these resources with tailored strategies for institutional and high net worth professional investors in accordance with such investors ‘investment criteria’ targeted return and risk tolerance.

Contact info@BSEListings.com or call us at +19146133889

BSE Listings and Berlin Stock Exchange Listings


Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 04:02 AM
posted by admin

A Market Trained To Invest In Foreign Equities (US, Canadian, UK, Australia, South Africa, China)

With growing internationalization and consolidation pressure in the European Stock Exchanges such as the OMX NASDAQ, NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Boerse, Borse Berlin has pursued a successful niche strategy since the mid-nineties, with a particular focus on trading the widest possible range of foreign stocks. The German speaking euro-economic market accepted widely this proposition which allowed them to trade foreign companies stocks whether primary or dual listed on a local exchange, with immediate trading and fast order taking, affordable trading and easy to use platforms for their local market. Thus, the Berlin Stock Exchange developed a subscription of investors who utlize their platform for investment and trades. The success is apparent by the increase in trades and the growth of the market. Therefore, as a newly listed firm on the Berlin Stock Exchange, there is an actively trading equities market looking to invest in foreign firms. The strong trading market of over 100 million population is very attractive for foreign companies looking to go public, especially from the US, Canada, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Asia in general, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Africa in general, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, South America in general, Guatemala, Honduaras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Italy, the EU in general, the UK, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, and India.

The Börse Berlin Stock Exchange has secondary stock listings for over 6,000 US securities normally listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, OTCBB, and pink sheet markets. In September 2007 Börse Berlin AG, operator of one of Germanys oldest stock exchanges, acquired control over London based Equiduct Systems in order to offer new state-of-the art stock exchange services to financial institutions trading in the European markets.

With this acquisition, Börse Berlin became a 323 year old “start up” introducing Equiduct as a sophisticated trading platform launched on 20 March 2009.”

The Berlin Stock Exchange is open to new business with relatively relaxed requirements that allow for your firm to list in 2-3 weeks.

To see if you qualify for a Berlin Stock Exchange Listing, contact info@BSEListings.com or call us at +19146133889

BSE Listings trades under the mark IFXBG, which is a licensed FSA Broker Dealer. As a full service Investment Bank, our legal, accounting, listing, and compliance services exceed the individual services you may be provided by a going or go public consultant or law firm. We are licensed to assist in listing, financing, and engaging in mergers and acquisitions activities within the EU. We are not aware of any other firm who can provide the full services supplied by our firm outside of Germany.

As a Licensed Broker we can prepare and submit EU Directive prospectus documents within the UK for listings on the Berlin Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and UK Stock Markets.

Berlin Stock Exchange Listings



Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 04:02 AM
posted by admin

IPO’s and Going Public In Europe Made Easier By IFXBG, the FSE Listings and Berlin Stock Exchange Listings Consortium – List Fast, Finance Fast and stay at the front of the Stock Markets!

FSE Listings Inc, as part of the International Financial Exchange and Banking Group, IFXBG Limited consortium have been educating companies and investors on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, German Market, UK Markets, and Canadian markets for over 15 years as a consortium.

Recent changes by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange only help the firms who are doing business on Frankfurt and in Germany, where by a prospectus is required and a higher level of transparency. The positive outcome of these changes will include:

  • Higher faith of investors both institutional and retail
  • Offerings which have a broader based on investors enabling more capital to be raised under the EU prospectus directive
  • The ability to qualify immediately for Bond financing in access of 5-100 million euro
  • The ability to utilize our network of over a 100 Billion USD in funds, Banks, Brokers, and high-net worth investors
  • Higher Liquidity and continual trading

As the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has described, the central roles of an exchange is raising of capital for companies of the “real economy.”

This real economy has been the motivation of our business as listing specialists, to help firms avoid the untruthful promoters and firms who claim to be able to assist your firm but have not been able to accomplish your goals because what they didn’t inform you that transparency, substance, and due diligence are a real part of this economy.
In addition to real economies are the benefit of “real markets” where there is the ability to promote the shares of your firm openly, increase trading volume, and widen the base of investors in your firm.
The new regulations in the financial sector (Basel 3, EMIR, MiFID2) have driven European Stock Exchange Listings to build sustainable platform’s for raising capital in order to ensure growth, wealth, and employment.

IFXBG Limited (www.ifxbg.com) have the ability to list firms, finance, bond, and grow on the European Regulated and unregulated exchanges. As a licensed broker dealer, IFXBG can file prospectus documents through the FSA registration and meet the European Directive and requirement of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As a Financial Institution by definition, there is few better partners to work with in Europe for financing your company and listing. Unlike a simple Law firm, who has the capacity to advice, a registered broker dealer meets all of the new requirements of regulated markets in Europe for listing, filing, raising capital, and prospectus directives.

In order to build confidence with the investor, you need to work with professional teams that build confidence through their experience, status, and professionalism.
Our firm ensures your listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Berlin, or Primary Market where you are listed has continual tradability and high liquidity, financing, and market support.

Our firm has been active with listing companies and representing our consortium on the following markets:

  • Berlin Stock Exchange
  • Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Deutsche Bourse)
  • GXG Markets
  • Plus Markets
  • TSX.V
  • CNSX

In addition, we can participate in financing companies utilizing our Bond financing on all major designated stock exchange markets, excluding the US OTCBB which is not an exchange by definition.

If you are listed on the ASX, TSX, JSE, FSE, BSE, LSE, AIM, or any other major market and require financing, you can contact us today to see if you qualify by contacting Ryan@ifxbg.com.

With the possible discontinuance of the First Quotation Board (FQB) alternative markets we have been able to list and finance companies within include www.berlinstockexchangelistings.com, our counterpart for listing firms in Berlin. Info@bselistings.com.

In order to give your shareholders the opportunity to sell their shares via the exchange, we have been able to assist in building markets, cross trading, dual listing, and switching the primary listing for firms to meet the demands of the company, liquidity, and growth.

The most immediate solution is hiring our firm to develop a EU prospectus document, third party valuation, and identify the best market to list on and go public for your firm.
An IPO and going public requires an investment bank, as a full service listing, investment bank, filing, and listing firm, your best choice is with IFXBG, the FSE Listings and Berlin Listings Consortium, and our network of over 100 billion in institutional investors!

Contact Ryan@ifxbg.com to qualify your firm and begin the listing process today!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 @ 07:12 AM
posted by admin

Frankfurt Listings- UK Listed FSE Listings For Sale

We have two newly Frankfurt listed UK shell firms for sale, these companies are in Mining and Sports. We can organize a change of name and transfer of shares within a 24-48 hour period. Your firm can immediately go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and utilize either an equity line of credit through our equity partners, such as Deutsche Capital Partners or issue up to 5 million euro in Bonds.

Our listed Frankfurt Stock Exchange shell is a UK company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange within December 2011.

The company was incorporated within the UK as a Frankfurt Shell Company for the purpose of a Frankfurt Listing using FSE Listings Inc.

The registered office has already been established within London, the company registration number, the ISIN, Symbol, and Corporate Secretary.

FSE Listings Inc is the leading provider of Frankfurt Shells for sale including UK FSE Listings, Canada Frankfurt Listings, Australia Frankfurt Listings, South Africa Frankfurt Listings, Spain Frankfurt Listings, the United States Frankfurt Listings, and China Frankfurt Listings.

All new Frankfurt shells for sale meet the new rules implemented by the Frankfurt Exchange.

  • Fully Capitalized with the € 500,000 requirement;
  • €0.10 euro nominal value of shares;
  • Fully certified by UK Chartered Accounting firm;
  • 5,500,000 share capital
  • Qualified companies
  • Capital introductions
  • No Prospectus required – Prospectus can be developed or IM based on your equity story goals

List your company or buy a shell and be public immediately on the Frankfurt Exchange using FSEListings.com Your premier FSE Listing Partner.

As the leading Frankfurt Shells provider, we have Frankfurt Shells waiting for your project now! FSE Listings is the fastest way to go to get your company public and raising capital. In addition, we provide
third party valuation, prospectus documents, IMs, AA Rated Bond Financing, equity story strategies, share vision and share increase programs, investor relations and public relations for our clients.

Raise capital immediately for your firm (within 20 days of purchasing the company) with our bond program, and enjoy the liquidity and share trading available on the Frankfurt Boerse exchange (borse) the World’s largest Equity Markets since the acquisition of the NYSE and merger, trading 85% of Germany’s total listed securities in the most healthy market in Europe.

About FSE Listings – Your Premier Frankfurt Listings Partner

FSEListings.com is the leading premier specialist on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, FSE Listings is a consulting firm with a registered FSA Broker Dealer partnership, a German Market Maker listing partnership, a Bond insurance and securitization partnership, and a network of over 100 billion USD in sophisticated investors and institutional partners. Our available capital partnerships and market
partnerships and volume of listings give your firm the best chance of success with a public company listing and IPO!

Why FSE Listings?

FSE Listings Inc has a primary focus on taking companies public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Our partnership with an FSA registered broker dealer, German Bank, and market maker has positioned our firms and clients to easily list, get financing, and create long term value and partnerships with their firm. As a global financing firm with over 20 years of listing experience since the early 1990’s on the NASDAQ, our company is part of the network of OTCListings.com, the leading OTCBB listing firm, ASX Listings for Australian Listings, and TSX Listings for the Toronto Stock Exchange. Our company has over 50 employees worldwide, and is actively recruiting investment bankers, accountants, lawyers, brokers, and business consultants.

Our firm is known to be the most professional, the most honest, and the fastest firm for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCBB, TSX, and ASX. Over the last 15 years of listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, we have assisted over 2000 companies to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange!

Contact us at info@FSElistings.com or FSE Listings

A UK listed company is a premium listing, the UK is renowned for the quality of business and acumen, and attracts sophisticated investors within the UK and Europe. There are many reasons why a UK listed firm is better than Canadian, Australian, South African, etc. The ideal purchase of a UK firm is for a holding company of your firm to list onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange through.

Since we built the firm, we know the structure and are confident in supplying this company for sale through our registered broker dealer partner. The Company is 110k euro.


Industry Classification: Public Shell Companies, Frankfurt Listings, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, FSE Listings, Merger Law, FSE, Capital, Bonds, Law, Germany, Stock Exchange, Shell for sale.


Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 06:12 PM
posted by admin

Our firm is the Premier FSE Listing Partner, be careful when choosing who you work with, most firm’s don’t understand the trading and financing of the firm properly, or the reasons for listing fully. Some have even gone so far as to copy our advice and then list firms taking stock and percentages of your firm upfront. We have had to help most of the new FSE listings on the market who have done it themselves or with unprofessional firms because they all end up coming to us for help when they break the promises. Sometimes its too late, don’t make the mistake of working with firms who claim to be Law firms and Lawyers who specialize in Funding… most of them have not succeeded in their promises. Don’t make the mistake and come talk to FSE Listings Inc first, the Premier FSE Listing Partner and FSE Listings consultants!

Contact FSE Listings today, info@fselistings.com and let us help you advance your Frankfurt Listings!

Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 06:12 PM
posted by admin

Companies that score high on their pre-valuation for the world-wide market of their patent and technology can enter the Frankfurt Stock Exchange provided they meet the minimum requirements.

The process for listing your firm and gaining financing would be:

  • Prevaluation of your patent
  • Vetting of the Business Plan and revenue
  • Due diligence on the companies prototypes, proofs, and work to date
  • Analysis of the industry and management
  • Timeframe to revenue with the patent and technology
  • Full Valuation Completed with Management recommendations for financing and listings

Once this process has been completed, FSE Listings Inc incorporates the firm required for listing and raising capital. The firm will meet the requirements of the capital-in, minimum shares, and market capitalization.

If you are interested in financing your firm and patent portfolio, contact us to begin the free prevaluation.

If your firm does not have the capital to list, our firm also can assist in licensing of your technology, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and sale of the patent after valuation. The key is knowing your value and making it count!

Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange could have your firm financed up to 5 million euro inside of 30 days of your FSE listing. Don’t hesitate to contact us, info@fselistings.com and tell us about your technology or patent.

Our firm is the Premier FSE Listing Partner, be careful when choosing who you work with, most firm’s don’t understand the trading and financing of the firm properly, or the reasons for listing fully. Some have even gone so far as to copy our advice and then list firms taking stock and percentages of your firm upfront. We have had to help most of the new FSE listings on the market who have done it themselves or with unprofessional firms end up coming to us for help. Sometimes its too late, don’t make the mistake of working with firms who claim to be Law firms and Lawyers who specialize in Funding… most of them have not succeeded in their promises. Don’t make the mistake and come talk to FSE Listings Inc first, the Premier FSE Listing Partner and FSE Listings consultants!

*FSE Listings: Note of warning, we have no affiliation to a group misrepresenting the FSE Listings brand called Julius Csurgo, Global Regency, Merger Law Associates, Frankfurt Listings, and other such names. As far as our research has revealed, they appear to charge more and allegedly are slower than our firm at listing, in addition, we are not even sure they can list firms. Several firms have complained they were listed and didn’t even get to trade or clear properly using listings services and contacted us believing us to be the same firm. We believe that in this matter, one should be careful of all firms who do not have the representative Mark Bragg contact you. Our firm listed several companies in April and expects to do this again in May, with over 100 listed to date as a consortium. We are the leaders, competition is only healthy if they are not misrepresenting a brand, therefore, we bring this to your immediate attention that we have no affiliation to these firms. We are the only FSE Listings Inc, contact Mark Bragg today.