Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
At present we have available a public company shell corporation which is OTC listed on the GXG Markets for sale for 100,000 GBP or best offer.
The Company is a UK corporation with filed audited financials, over 1 year in age, perfect for listing and beginning to trade your shares. The company due to its aged audited status also qualifies for upgrading to the London Stock Exchange and or other European markets.
The GXG Markets has had over 100 companies listed on the stock exchange with a current 91 companies listed. The rules as of July 1st 2013 have made it more difficult for companies to list, raising the standard and quality of their exchange. This shell corporation which is listed and tradable on the exchange is liked worth 150,000 to 200,000 GBP with the new regulations going into place in July which will make it more difficult for companies to list shell companies.
The Company for sale is in the market of software and internet but can be changed.
– UK Company (PLC)
– Over 100 million shares issued (100% deliverable)
– Shares held in electronic form to be transferred to your brokerage account in the transaction
– Audited and certified with no liabilities from the Director
– All shares over 1 year old and issued
With the current boom in IT and Technology, this vehicle is a perfect IPO or public listing for a growing and successful IT business.
Contact us to discuss at or +19146133889
If you have Frankfurt Listed shares and need a broker dealer to trade these shares, you have probably had a difficult time finding one that would accept Open Market shares.
Some of the challenges may be related to your location, such as US, Canadian, Australian, and various African Citizens have a difficult time setting up a Frankfurt Trading Account.
RST Capital ( can trade up to 100 different markets including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, US OTCBB, TSX, JSE, and various other markets.
If you need a broker dealer to work with you, contact
The market financial advisor and broker dealer RST Capital has been admitted to act as a Corporate Advisor and list firms on the GXG Markets within the UK and Denmark. Frankfurt Listings can list their firms in 5-10 days, giving their shareholders an opportunity to trade on a UK Exchange.
Firms who do not qualify for listing on the Frankfurt Entry Standard can quickly move their listing over to the GXG OTC Markets. This is a nominal fee which includes exchange fee and due diligence.
RST Capital is one of the most affordable corporate advisors for listing firms on the GXG Markets. In addition, in partnership with UK broker dealer IFXBG, RST Capital can provide:
- Prospectus Writing
- Trading on over 100 different markets
- Business and Asset Valuations
- Bond formation and Financing
Contact today!
How to Move FSE Listings to the London Stock Exchange
Several Frankfurt Listings of Canadian, UK, Chinese, German, Swiss, Australian, and other foreign markets joined the Frankfurt Open Market and 2nd Quotation Board with the purpose of eventually fast track listing onto the London Stock Exchange.
Now is the time with the change in the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, to move your firm over to the London Stock Exchange. The London Stock Exchange has already begun clearing more shares than the Frankfurt Open Market which is on its way to being dismantled or has been suggested to close on companies without a prospectus ready.
Instability of the Frankfurt Listings has lead many firms to focus on the London Stock Exchange through Broker Dealers, such as IFXBG Limited. If you are a Frankfurt Listing looking to move from the FSE Listings to London Stock Exchange Listings, you should contact today.
FSE Listings: Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is still possible for your firm!
Changes to recent rules for Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings:
Your firm that desires an FSE Listing needs to have a market capitalization of 750,000 euro which means the company has shares that have been issued to that amount based on assets and value paid for those shares
To qualify for FSE Listings your firm needs to have a 1 euro share price
If your firm didn’t apply for acceptance into the Frankfurt Entry Standard by July 1st 2012, then a prospectus will need to be written and prepared. With a prospectus, audited financials and a third party valuation of asset value is required.
If you are interested in listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Entry Standard contact
In addition, FSE Listings Inc has extensive investor relations programs available to currently listed firms trying to increase their trading volume and awareness.
An alternative to listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is listing on the London Standard Market, which ranges from 300-350k GBP. Some firms charge as low as 200k GBP for listing on the LSE.
If the London Stock Exchange and Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings are too cost prohibitive for listing, one could try using the Broker Dealer IFXBG Limited, who is a broker dealer that lists firms on the London Exchange “GXG Markets” which is one of the only true OTC markets within the UK.
If you are looking to go public or upgrade to a higher standard board, here are the contacts you need to know:
FSE Listings Inc: (For upgrading your listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, preparing the prospectus for upgrading to Entry Standard listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, or Berlin Stock Exchange Listings.
IFXBG Limited, Official GXG Markets Broker Dealer (, for listing on the GXG Markets Regulated, MTF, and OTC markets. Contact
For London Stock Exchange Listings ( contact
We are now a registered broker dealer on the Danish and UK markets.
We can list firms in 3-6 weeks that qualify and supply financing of up to 5 million euro through the broker dealer and securitization firm.
We are actively looking for clients who are seeking to go public.
Costs range on the amount of capital required and structure of your firm. Contact us today!
We list companies on the:
Plus Markets
AIM Markets
GXG Markets
FSE Markets
Berlin Markets
Stuttgart Markets
Contact us today to go public with the leading European Listing firm.
We have a debt free shell company for sale on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The company has financials available for building the prospectus and is deliverable in full.
The firm was a “hotel and resort” development, which has sense raised capital privately with no requirement of the public company.
– Incorporate July 2011
– 227,228,310 shares issued at 0.10 par
– Market Maker payments up-to-date
– Active Market
– small outstanding balance with transfer agent that can be settled upon acquisition
Contact Us If Interested In Purchasing this shell
We can help with audits and prospectuses at a reasonable cost for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Plus Markets, Berlin Stock Exchange, Stuttgart, GXG markets and AIM.
If you are a Frankfurt Listed company needing to upgrade your statuswith a prospectus, we can assist you immediately. If you do not want to upgrade your company, we can sell your firm for you as a shell company looking for an acquisition.
Our firm can take you public directly onto the Berlin Stock Exchange and Frankfurt Stock Exchange or provide a shell company so that you can list within the next 2-3 weeks!
Regardless of any rule changes, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and German Investment Community is open for business and waiting for quality revenue producing companies that qualify for a full listing on the exchange. Berlin also is keen on firms with existing operations. If you are a start-up firm, we can list and finance you on one of the many European Exchanges that accept start-up IPOs.
We can supply already listed companies or sell your listing for you.
FSE Listings Inc. has the ability to buy and sell shells through listed broker dealers. I advise that if you cannot move your company up to another bigger board market, you should either work with us to move your company to the Entry Standard and raise capital for you or move your firm onto another exchange with us, that is still valid for us to raise capital for you. At the worst case, we can sell your firm as a shell and build a new listing for you.
Dual Listings On Berlin Stock Exchange and Frankfurt.
We can dual list firms from Canada, the UK, Australia, and elsewhere onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCBB Companies we can dual list into Berlin. Once we have dual listed your existing firm, we can use a valuator to build an extensive report that enables us to build a bond for your firm and raise capital as a AA guaranteed investment. Dual listing of TSX Firms, Dual listing of ASX firms, and Dual listings of AIM or Plus Market firms are easily done onto either exchange in Europe.
Be aware, there is always changing rules in stock exchanges and it often doesn’t get easier. Now is the time for you to list before any other changes occur which could put your company at risk by not qualifying.
If you do not qualify for a listing, and have a great new start-up firm, we will consider venture capital placements upon submission. Venture Capital is available only to private firms we work with, and usually doesn’t exceed $250k-$1 million.
A third party valuation by a European firm, due diligence, business plan, five-year projection, and financials will need to be prepared. If you are lacking in any of the requirements, we are happy to offer our services to complete registered valuations, business plans, prospectus preparation, audits, financials, and projections. This is an hourly or one-time fee depending on the task.
Capital Raising by selling and forming corporate bonds or securitized bonds
Upon qualifying, you may also be considered for bond financing within the 5 – 100 million euro range based on valuation, revenue, and our due diligence.
Contact today:
BSE Listings and FSE Listings Inc. – Berlin Stock Exchange Listings – Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings
Within the US/Canada +19146133889 (OTC Listings, TSX Listings, Dual Listings)
Within the UK/Europe UK: +44(0)2081235719 (Aim Listings, Plus Listings, European Listings)
Within Hong Kong/Asia: 81753591 (PSE Listings, ASX Listings, Shanghai Listings, Dual Listings European Listings)
Within South Africa/Africa: +27110836116 (JSE Listings, European Listings)
Globally there are exemptions for raising capital for a myriad of monikers to describe sophisticated investors. The most common names are qualified investors, accredited investors, professional investors, high net worth investors, and of course sophisticated investors.
What are the benefits of a Sophisticated Investor Database for raising capital as a business (SME)?
- Small businesses can raise any amount of funds from sophisticated investors
- Small businesses do not have to go through the costly prospectus documents required, however, most jurisdictions require firms to report the sophisticated investment
- Sophisticated Investors are often “angel investors” for businesses
- As a firm doing an IPO offering, having a third party verified list of sophisticated investors prequalifies the investor before marketing to them
- Sophisticated investors can receive promotions and marketing exempt of most rules with regard to solicitation
- Sophisticated Investors can invest in funds, Collective Investment Schemes, crowd funding and other such investment concepts without having the cost of being regulated
In most jurisdictions, the certification can occur at the time of the subscription or purchase of the securities, however, it is often “second guessed” by regulators when firms “raising the money” do their own “qualifying” of investors. This can lead to offerings falling foul of the exemption. However, a third party verification system is infallible with this regard and offers a convenient method for Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes, Small Private Offerings, Public Offerings, Funds, and Debt offerings such as bonds and debentures to “pre-qualify” existing databases by working with a third party firm to vet their data and produce unbiased results.
The only firm that privately offers third party verification of investor information and supplies certificates for signing by the investor is
As a service provider to the financial markets one can subscribe to the service to access:
- Weekly new sophisticated investors (limit of 500 per week)
- Data cleaning and qualification of existing databases of shareholders
- Email distribution and SMS alerts to opt-in members
The sophisticated investor register maintains that the certification is always made within “12 months” of the investments, and assists investors in renewing the certificates. The documentation is generally sent to the local jurisdiction for further verification and admission of the investor to “government” databases that further verify the authenticity of the sophisticated investor register.
If you are a company interested in raising capital, you should consider subscribing to the sophisticated investor register today!